Maps and Aerial pictures
Our official sources are:
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
The ICGC provides us old and actual cartography, maps and orthophoto of Catalunya zone.
Their duties are related to the competences of geodesy and cartography and about the spatial data infrastructure of Catalonia, and also the competences of promoting and carrying out the actions related to the awareness, survey and information about the soil and subsoil.
Editorial Alpina
Editorial Alpina
Editorial Alpina are pioneers in the elaboration of cartography and publications of hiking and mountain nature.
For more than seventy years, we are stubborn in the meticulous and precise process that involves the realization of maps and guides, faithful to our commitment to culture and territory. The strong social roots and the good reception of the products, has allowed us to come to several generations that have given us their confidence.
Instituto Geográfico Nacional
Instituto Geográfico Nacional
Distribute, promote and market official geographical data, products, services and applications generated by IGN and CNIG. Exploit the data, products, services and geographic applications of the General Directorate of the IGN and of the CNIG itself. All about Spain.
Editorial Geoestel
Editorial Geoestel
As a result of the Association between the Catalan Encyclopedia and the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, the Geoestel Territorial Information Management Company, SA was born in 2001, with the aim of publishing maps and guides focused on meeting the needs of motorists, the tourist and the hiker.
Created by an act of Congress in 1879, the U.S. Geological Survey has evolved over the decades, matching its talent and knowledge to the progress of science and technology. The USGS is the sole science agency for the Department of the Interior. It is sought out by thousands of partners and customers for its natural science expertise and its vast earth and biological data holdings.
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